Available Touring Exhibitions


We rent special exhibitions from our own production. Currently we have three exhibitions on offer:

So much more than just T. rex!

The special exhibition at the Bamberg Natural History Museum focuses on the paleoart of the artist Joschua Knüppe. It shows a selection of his visually impressive works with countless prehistoric creatures in realistic scenarios. More information here.

Biodiversity in Entenhausen – Animals from a Parallel Universe

Have you ever heard of the Cucumber Rascal (zoological name: Ciller gurcae), and what devastating damage this insect belonging to the order of beetles can cause to the cucumber crop? Or do you know that despite its fearsome name, the Horrid Polyfoot (Multipes horridus) is actually completely harmless? No? Then you probably haven’t hooked an Oracle Sturgeon or a Haretooth Shark, or ridden a Latsch Horse.

The exhibition will remedy this glaring educational deficiency, as it introduces you to the animal world of the parallel world of Stella anatium. This rich and bizarre animal world was discovered by the ingenious Disney cartoonist Carl Barks (1901-2000), researched by scientists of the association D.O.N.A.L.D. (German Organization of Non-Commercial Adherents of honest Donaldism), and staged by the team of the Natural History Museum Bamberg.

Fossils from Wattendorf – A look into the Jurassic Period

An island archipelago under a bright blue sky, washed by a tropical sea. Crocodiles and sharks prey between reefs, turtles lay their eggs in the hot sand on the beaches. Seychelles or Maldives? No. It is the sea of the upper Jurassic period that covered our land 150 million years ago. In a quarry in Upper Franconia, Germany, a magnificent window into this bizarre, forgotten world has now opened up completely unexpectedly. The exhibition gives you a first impression of the unique fossils that the team of the Bamberg Museum of Natural History has unearthed in this quarry. You will also learn about the natural beauty, the exciting and also contemplative possibilities for leisure activities, the archaeological features and the beer culture of this beautiful Jurassic village and the region at the northern end of the Upper Main Valley.