Special exhibitions


„All time in the world – from the Big Bang to clock time“

Temporary exhibitions

1. Aug. 2024 – 30. March 2025 Time determines our lives. Almost all of us are guided by the cl [...]

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Review: Highlights of nature photography 2024

Temporary exhibitions

24. April 2024 – 30. June 2024 In 2024, the Bamberg Natural History Museum will once again pre [...]

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Review: Petrified weather

Exhibitions , Temporary exhibitions

Can lightning actually ‘petrify’? And what about raindrops? What traces does wind leave behind? [...]

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Review: Highlights of nature photography 2023

Temporary exhibitions

06. July 2023 – 27. August 2023 In 2023, the Bamberg Natural History Museum will once again be [...]

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Review: So much more than just T. rex!

Temporary exhibitions

Urzeitimpressionen von Joschua Knüppe

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Review: Airlines – Bird Tracks in the Air

Temporary exhibitions

Lothar Schiffler zeichnet Rekonstruktion der Bewegungsspuren von Vögeln im lokalen Maßstab auf. Lassen Sie sich einladen, den Himmel nach dem Besuch der Ausstellung mit anderen Augen zu betrachten.

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Review: Molassic Park

Temporary exhibitions

Eine Expedition zu Bayerns Menschenaffen, Urelefanten und subtropischen Wäldern

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